Co powinien mieć film produktowy?

What should a product video have? 5 elements that make such content sell

Do you want to make your products more attractive in the eyes of your customers? Are you planning to push them down the sales funnel? Do you care about good visualization of the solutions you offer? Prepare a good product video. Here are the elements you need to take care of to make it work to your expectations.

a good idea for a product video

Before the set preparation begins and the first clapper falls, it is necessary to determine exactly the purpose for which the product film is being made. In doing so, it is necessary to define, among other things:

  • The values that your brand communicates;
  • Product USP (unique selling proposition);
  • The target group for which the material is being produced;
  • The action your published content is supposed to motivate your customer to take;
  • The channels through which it will be distributed;
  • length of material to be published.

Without “doing this homework” there will not be the expected results. Only a product video that is part of a conscious marketing strategy will become an effective tool.

2 A well-thought-out product film script

The general concept of the film is theory. The script is its translation into practice – it will become the signpost that filmmakers will follow. Note: it will be needed, even if only a few seconds of a clip is created. We say this from experience!

See also: How to write a script for an image film?

visual quality

A product video is content that speaks through images. In order for it to work on the emotions, senses and attitudes of the audience – it must be polished to perfection. When creating professional content, there is no room for “imperfections”, accidental shots or “choppy” editing (unless they are conscious aesthetic treatments).

That’s why it’s worth outsourcing the preparation of such material to experts. Our film creative agency is a good choice. We are filmmakers with extensive experience. We use only professional, modern equipment, which allows us to work without limitations. What do the results look like? Take a look, for example, at the promotional video we prepared for Fulco:

appropriate film techniques

“Traditional” video or animation? In product videos, elements from both worlds are often useful. On the one hand – explicit shots on the promoted goods themselves or a storytelling story with “live” actors. On the other – animated inserts that, for example, explain how the product is built and what its features are. What might this look like in practice? Take a peek at the product video we prepared for Nestor Springs:

As you can see, this is an elaborate presentation of our client’s products, in which realistic, highly accurate shots are combined with slides. This makes the material dynamic and “meaty” at the same time, as it conveys all the necessary information in a short time. It can be confidently used, for example, on the screens at the booth during trade fairs.

appropriately selected music and sound

A movie is an audiovisual material. Therefore, it cannot lack appropriate background music. It can be the background itself, matching the dynamics to the image, but also the voiceover “from off”, which will present the product.

Note: Product videos that go to social media must also be adapted for playback without sound. Therefore, it’s also a good idea to enhance them with subtitles to convey the content.

As you can see, preparing product videos is an undertaking that requires good planning and execution. Need help creating materials that will get your customers’ attention and produce measurable results? Let’s do it together! Call or write to “talk through” your idea and find out what we can do for you.