Rodzaje treści wideo dla marketerów

Types of video content for marketers

As a marketer, you are well aware that video is the basis of “digital” communication. Your audience – no matter what industry you’re in – likes to watch such content. Properly crafted videos can be used at every stage of the marketing funnel – from attracting attention to generating interest to closing sales. Explore the types of video content and choose the ones that best fit your strategy.

Z tego tekstu dowiesz się:

  • Why video content is important in a marketing strategy;
  • What the different types of content are and how to use them.

Video content in marketing strategy – the absolute basis of communication with customers

Why is video marketing so important? The answer hides in two words: social media. Platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, as well as Facebook and YouTube “stand” for images. Video is a quick and convenient message that can be easily “consumed” – including in passing and on a mobile device – and followed up with express interaction.

In addition, with the help of video marketing you can:

  • act on the imagination of the audience – visualizing their solutions;
  • Build interesting, engaging stories that draw you in;
  • Support SEO activities;
  • Educate customers and strengthen their trust in your brand.

What kind of results you achieve depends, among other things, on choosing the right kind of video content for the purpose. So explore the range of possibilities.

Video content – types of content a marketer can use

Here are the most popular types of video content that are used in branding.

  1. Demo materials

Shorter or longer videos in which there is a presentation of how your product or service works. These can be called explainers. It’s a good idea to use animations in this format!

Also read: Explainer! That is, how to explain to the customer in a simple way how the service works – 2d and 3d animation

  1. Video brand

Most often, such materials are created as part of a broader advertising campaign and focus on building brand awareness and image. They are meant to attract the attention of customers to it, rather than sell specific products.

  1. Event videos

Event videos, such as coverage of trade shows or company events, are also important support for your brand image – including in the context of employer branding.

  1. Interviews with experts

Such content is designed to educate customers and build the image of your company as an industry expert that can be trusted.

  1. Instructional videos

These materials take the customer step-by-step through how to use your product or what it looks like to order a particular service. They are designed to familiarize a potential buyer with your solutions and can address common objections.

  1. Filmy typu case study/customer testimonial

In the video, you can show the stories of specific people who reached for your solutions and thus solved their problems or met specific needs. This is another building block that lends credibility to your brand.

What type of video content to choose for a marketing campaign?

The types of video content you can create described above are not a fully exhaustive list of possibilities. They are also only a general “spread” of purposes for which you can create shorter or longer formats. How you translate this theory into practice depends on the specifics of your industry or the objectives of your promotional campaign.


  • Video content marketing is a great way to communicate with customers online, especially on social media.
  • Video content can take many forms – including product videos, branding videos, event reports, interviews with experts, instructional videos or case studies.
  • The right kind of video content is best chosen together with experts according to the type of campaign, the specifics of the industry and the goals set.

If you are not sure what direction you want to take in communicating with your target audience, we invite you to contact us. Together, we will plan and prepare a series of content videos that will spark interest and engage your customers. Check us out!