7 trendów w videomarketingu, które warto znać

7 video marketing trends you should know

Videomarketing is the heart of modern customer communication. Want to build and strengthen brand recognition and increase sales? Be inspired by the solutions used by the world’s best marketers. How are they currently shaping up? Here are the most interesting trends in video marketing.

even greater role of video content for SEO

If SEO, then mostly written content? Not in the current reality! Video is conquering the world, and since it is, Google’s robots are also “digging” for answers to user queries. Besides, it’s worth remembering that more and more Generation Z people are looking for information not on search engines, but on social media – for example, on TikTok. Take this knowledge into account when planning your video marketing strategy.

Read more: What impact do product videos have on SEO?

short forms instead of long materials

Trends in video marketing are shaped most by social media. And since this is the case, it is obvious that short forms have become the most popular – ideal for TikTok, for rolls and stories on Instagram, or for shorts on YouTube. Does this mean that longer materials are no longer relevant? Nothing could be further from the truth! However, in order to attract an audience to them, you also need shorter takes.

video subtitles and movies without sound

This trend is another result of the popularity of social media. Users of Instagram, TikTok or YouTube often consume video one after another, such as on their way to work and while in the company of others. As a result, they do not always have the ability to play the audio layer. Hence the rise in popularity of subtitled materials. Some of them are even published without sound – it is the image in them that is supposed to speak to the viewer.

including video in email marketing

Until now, newsletters or advertising messages sent by email took the form of image + content. Now it’s becoming more and more popular to embed videos as well – such as different kinds of explainer or testimonials. Recipients are eager to run and watch them, and this leads to increased engagement and chances of conversion.

using artificial intelligence to create video content

Tools such as Chat GPT are revolutionizing the world – and not just in the text layer. More artificial intelligence solutions are also emerging that can be applied to video production. Does this mean that soon there will be no place in the market for creative film agencies? Not at all!

AI should be seen as a support for developers in their daily work, rather than a way to take them out. Artificial intelligence will not replace a “living human” – neither behind nor in front of the camera.

increase in popularity of User Generated Content

User Generated Content, or user-generated content, is increasingly being used in video marketing. This can include spontaneous (or planned…) video reviews or product unboxing type reports. Such “raw” (often seemingly) materials can lend credibility to a brand’s message and increase its appeal in the eyes of customers.

the growing role of product videos

Online sales are growing every year. Among other things, this is because marketers are “standing on their ears” to best visualize products purchased remotely to customers. To achieve this effect, a simple picture is not enough, even one with a detailed description of the product features. Incredibly useful is a video that simply shows it in action. Companies in the apparel and footwear industries, for example, are eager to take advantage of this trend.


The most important trends in video marketing today are:

  • The growth of the role of video content for SEO;
  • Short forms instead of long materials;
  • Video subtitles and movies without sound;
  • including video in email marketing;
  • Using artificial intelligence to create video content;
  • The rise in popularity of User Generated Content;
  • The growing role of product videos.

Which of these trends can you use when creating video content for your customers? Let’s talk it through together and create content that will help you sell!