Jaki wpływ na SEO mają filmy produktowe?

What impact do product videos have on SEO?

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of online marketing? Is it SEO? No surprise there. Positioning is the foundation of reaching customers in the digital reality. But did you know that product videos can play an important role for SEO? If this surprises you, read on to see how to harness the potential of such materials with SEO in mind.

Why can product videos be important for SEO?

There are several reasons why video content can support your SEO.

Google’s algorithms like video

Google’s algorithms “decide” which page will be displayed to a user first when a particular search term is typed into the search engine. How do they work? SEOs often joke that this is one of the biggest mysteries of the universe 😉 But without going into technical details, you need to know that Google’s goal is to provide users with the best possible answers to their queries. That’s why the search engine promotes valuable content given in an accessible form.

Google’s algorithms perfectly “understand” that today Internet communication is not just text. That’s why they promote sites with diverse content – which includes the written word, as well as photos or videos. The search engine robots scan all these elements, and their value translates into your position in Google.

Video content generates traffic

In the world of the Internet, most people prefer watching to reading. Hence the popularity of TikTok, YouTube or video content on Instagram and Facebook. And this means that if a potential customer gets a link to your product video in response to their inquiry, they may be more likely to click on it. As a result of this mechanism, traffic to your company’s website may increase, which will “solidify” Google’s belief that it is worth raising its position in search results.

Product video is a way to keep customers for longer

Google, when evaluating the value of sites, pays attention not only to how many people visit a site. Even more important is the amount of time spent browsing each tab. The higher it is, the better the rating of a company’s site and – as you might guess – its position in search results.

Video attracts attention for longer than text. If it is sufficiently engaging and engaging, the viewer will watch it to the end, thus significantly extending the “stay” on the page. This can only work in your favor!

Also read: Video as a lead magnet in your sales funnel

Videos are shared more often than texts

Since people are more likely to watch than read, they are also more motivated to share interesting video content. Every time a link to your product video is shared, it “boosts” SEO because it confirms that it is a valuable publication that can be suggested to search engine users.

Videos can provide better conversion

Did you know that potential customers can be up to 2 times more likely to buy a product after watching a video than after reading a description? Of course, much depends on the quality of the message and its optimization for SEO. However, if the video has high conversion potential, it too can support SEO. For Google, this is another argument to “boost” your position in search results.

How to optimize product videos for SEO?

In order for a product video to “work” as we described above, it must be properly prepared. Here are some elements that can support its SEO value.

  • Title and meta tags – each material should have a title with relevant keywords and be meta tagged with keywords. When publishing on social media, hashtags are also useful.
  • Table of contents – if you publish a longer video, such as on YouTube, be sure to include chapters and a table of contents. This will make it easier for Google to index it and refer the user back to a specific section.
  • Subtitles and transcriptions – it’s a good idea to add subtitles to your videos, which Google’s algorithms can also index. They are also useful when watching productions, such as short videos on FB, Instagram or TikTok reels.
  • Incentive to share – it’s a good idea to include a CTA in each material to encourage people to share the video with others. This increases the chances of getting a sub-link to your site.

Want to create SEO-friendly product videos? Do it together with us. We know how to create engaging videos – ones that will grab the viewer’s attention and keep it for longer. Get in touch to plan a collaboration!