proces nagrywania filmu RÓJ

Why create product videos for my company? 5 reasons

Are product videos really necessary for your company? If you’re hesitant or wondering if this investment makes sense, keep reading. Learn the reasons why you should communicate with your customers in video form. Here’s a list of the most important “pro” arguments.

product video allows the customer to learn about your product without physical contact with it

Product videos are a great solution for online stores, among others. When you sell remotely, you face a serious barrier – the customer cannot touch the goods he orders. And although more and more people are emboldened to e-purchase, … a badly presented product can be quickly returned. The result? Instead of realistically driving sales, you incur additional costs.

A product film will help prevent this. In such material, you can very clearly and accurately show how such an article presents itself – including in the “natural environment”. Need an example? Think: what will allow you to better present shoes in a shoe e-store? Typical product photos or a 5-10 second clip, in the frame of which you can see the legs of a model walking around in a pair of sneakers or sneakers being sold? What will appeal to the customer more?

A product video will work on the viewer’s senses in a similar way in many other industries – not just those in the fashion area. It will be equally effective when, for example, you want to demonstrate how a modern slicer works (and that it really doesn’t tear delicate meats) or electronic equipment. The possibilities are endless.

product video engages your customers

The saying that a picture says more than 1,000 words may be a bit “worn out,” but it’s still true. The language of film is vivid, plastic and affects the imagination. Therefore, with its help, you can capture the attention of the customer in a few seconds. And this is the first step to closing the sale!

product video helps explain complex concepts in a simple way

How do you show a customer how a complex water filter works, or the layers that make up a premium mattress? A video will demonstrate it best! You can include an explainer-type animation and, with the help of a simple image, quickly educate the viewer and encourage them to take action.

product video is great for communicating with mobile users

Smartphones and the Internet are your customers’ reality, no matter what industry you’re in. If you want to be where they are, invest in video marketing. Publishing reels, shorts or tiktoks can quickly boost engagement with your brand, help you attract new leads, and ultimately support sales.

you can use product videos in different communication channels

One material – multiple publication venues? Video materials offer such possibilities. You can upload them to your company website as well as to your online store, YouTube channel or social media. They won’t “cannibalize each other’s reach” – which is what would happen if you uploaded one product description in text form to several places. With videos, there are no such problems!

Convinced? It’s time to move from theory to practice. Contact us and let’s create together product videos that will shoot your sales. You’re welcome!