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Video’s place in the sales funnel

Think video is a tool aimed mainly at customers almost ready to buy? As the classic says, nothing could be further from the truth! It’s worth looking at it in a broader perspective and using it at every stage of the buyer’s journey. See how to “squeeze” the full potential of video in the sales funnel!

The sales funnel, or the customer’s path to purchase is longer than you think!

When setting goals – including business goals – it is very easy to make a significant mistake. It’s all about focusing on the results, rather than the path that leads to their achievement. As a result, for example, when planning a marketing campaign, most resources are invested in communicating with customers who are already almost ready to buy.

Not surprisingly, you want to attract those people who already know what they want and just need one last “push” to finalize the deal. However, it’s not that easy! In order for a customer to get to the place where they (metaphorically or not) click “buy now,” you have to earn it.

And this is where the sales funnel comes into play, perfectly reflecting the customer’s path to purchase. Think: what has to happen for a customer to choose your product? Several things have to happen! Such a person should:

  1. realize some kind of need/problem – the “solution” is to be your product;
  2. learn that there are products like yours and deepen their knowledge;
  3. get acquainted with different solutions – learn about their functions, features and compare them with each other;
  4. reassure yourself that it’s worth buying from you rather than your competitors – for example, because of brand trust or a better price.

Of course, this process will look different depending on what industry you are in. But in general, you must go through all the stages of the sales funnel to acquire a customer:

  • attract the attention of the recipient,
  • get him interested,
  • arouse the desire to buy the product,
  • get him to act.

This is reason enough for you to take care of customer acquisition early on in this journey. This way you can guide him towards a sale – step by step, reassuring him that your products are the best answer to his needs.

Video in the sales funnel – at every stage of the buyer’s journey

Until recently, video marketing was thought of only in the context of advertising videos – those that appeared in traditional media and were primarily intended to encourage a quick purchase. They, too, make sense. However, videos can help you at every stage of the sales funnel. It is with their help:

  • you will build brand awareness and begin to create certain associations with the brand – these purposes are served by image films, for example;
  • you will educate your customers, e.g. explain to them what makes your products different, what they are for and how they can be used – this is how animated explainers or product videos work, for example;
  • assure potential buyers that you are a reliable partner – for example, through relevant videos uploaded to social media;
  • You’ll let them experience your products almost tangibly – thanks to a video that showcases them.

So as you can see, you can use this accessible, easy-to-read form of communication to achieve your marketing and sales goals.

Inspired? Let’s create video content together to push your business to a higher level. Contact X from our team to start working together!

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