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Explainer! That is, how to explain to the customer in a simple way how the service works – 2d and 3d animation

Imagine you have to explain to a customer how your ERP program works. Or that you have a dental office and want to explain to a patient how an implant is placed. Or what if you want to show how a water filtration system works? In theory, you can simply use words in such situations. However, if you want to be effective and the recipient is supposed to UNDERSTAND you, you need visuals, i.e. an animated explainer. See how to use such a tool.

Co to the explainer?

Explainer is a word we like to reach for in our creative bubble. However, what is behind it? It’s about video material that focuses on explaining complex, abstract ideas. It is most often used to discuss:

  • The principle of operation of some device;
  • The specifics of the new technology that was used in the product;
  • How to operate hardware/software, etc…;
  • intricate processes and other issues that need to be dissected.

Mostly such material:

  • takes the form of animation – usually 2d animation, which is minimalist, as simple and clear as possible, so that nothing disturbs the message;
  • lasts a maximum of a few minutes – it’s a kind of “didactic video”, so it can’t be stretched out over time, because the audience can’t maintain focus for longer, and this needs to be taken into account.

See also: Animation or video: which is better for my brand?

How can an explainer video be used?

Explainer video has a wider range of applications than you may think! It will work well in many contexts.

Presentation of the product/service with an eye on customer interest

Explainer is the best way to quickly “educate” potential customers. Therefore, such material can become part of a promotional video or an element published in company social media or other channels. It will also work well on product description pages – for example, in online stores. The customer can “fire off” the embedded video, for example, when considering the purchase of a particular item. A well-prepared explainer-type animation can be a “tongue-in-cheek” that will determine the finalization of the transaction.

Example? Let’s use one used in the introduction.

Imagine that you run a dental implant clinic. Patients are usually eager to educate themselves before choosing a specialist in this field. After all, they are about to undergo an expensive and quite invasive procedure. Therefore, their sense of security is influenced by full awareness of what they are choosing to undergo.

In the medical industry there are restrictions on advertising, but you have the right to publish informational material. A good choice can be just an animation – an explainer. In such material, you can discuss step-by-step how a tooth implant is placed and what the patient can expect. Such specific and clear information can encourage him to contact your clinic.

Remember! Explainers will work well at every stage of the sales funnel – they can attract the attention of an initially interested customer, help them explore your product, choose the right one or make a purchase.

Want to figure out how to leverage their potential in acquiring leads and closing sales for your business? Talk to an X on our team about it. We’ll make suggestions.

Internal communication and employee training

Explainers are also a great choice for educating employees or business partners to distribute your products. Communicating complex information in the form of a simple video animation will be a more accessible form of contact – easier for the recipient to “digest”.

Read also: What are the approximate production costs of 2D or 3D animation?

What are the benefits of using an explainer video?

There are many benefits to using explainer videos. The most important ones are:

  • Turning complex concepts into a simple message – in this case, a picture really works better than thousands of words;
  • Accelerate and facilitate communication with customers – video materials are easier to digest. As a result, the chances that a viewer will watch an explainer are greater than those of reaching the end of a long, complicated written instruction;
  • remembering information for a longer period of time – the video appeals to the imagination and stays in the memory more than words on paper/screen;
  • possibility to publish in multiple places – you can use one explainer in different materials, such as on social media, in promotional videos, internal materials, etc.

Wondering if you need explainers to communicate with your customers? Let’s consider it together and find the best way to reach them with your message. Get in touch and let’s get started!

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