produkcja filmów promocyjnych

What to look for when choosing a promotional video production company?

Thinking about producing marketing video content? Do it with professionals. A good promotional video production company will help you through the entire creative process. Its result will be a video that will help you strengthen your image and sales. What should you pay attention to when choosing a contractor? Here are some practical tips.

Scale of operations

More often than not, you are already faced with an important choice when starting out: a film creative agency or a freelancer? The differences between these two types of contractors are big, and one of the most important is the scale of the business.

We’re even talking about how many people will be working on your project: one who shoulders all the responsibilities, or maybe a larger team? Despite appearances, the film production process is incredibly complex! The number of documents to be signed, legal matters to be “finalized” (such as approvals to share the image of employees appearing in the materials), formalities and technicalities can surprise and… overwhelm a freelancer working solo.

Also, check how extensive is the background of the company you will be working with – does it have its own advanced equipment, or does it have to rent it? What technologies does it work with? Does it have a studio at its disposal? This translates into creative capabilities, among other things.

These elements affect your satisfaction with the cooperation, especially:

  • czas i terminowość wykonania filmu wizerunkowego;
  • The quality of the resulting material;
  • Translating its publication into your business benefits.

Also check: How long does it take to produce from idea to final film?

Experience in production of promotional videos

Production of promotional videos is more than creating “pretty pictures”. Yes, aesthetics are HUGELY important, because video is supposed to be eye-catching in the first place. The snag, however, is that it’s not everything. The marketing side is equally important.

A good promotional video production company will talk about your business goals right from the start – and therefore what the resulting material should help achieve. Is it to support a seasonal sales campaign, or should it reach customers at higher levels of the marketing funnel? A partner who understands the purpose of his work will combine aesthetics and advanced shooting technologies with pragmatism.

If you find out how to create a promotional video that will help you sell more, talk to Mariusz from our team about it – .

Scope of services provided

Shooting a promotional video is – despite appearances – an extensive project. It’s not enough to just show up with a camera on set, shoot and rip the footage. Many things must happen along the way, including:

  • Creating the idea for the film and its marketing premise;
  • Clarifying the marketing concept – from defining the target audience of the material, to their place in the sales funnel, to the customer persona;
  • Script preparation and pre-production;
  • the shooting of the material itself – in the studio, outdoors or, for example, at your company’s headquarters;
  • Post-production – such as editing, improving color balance, adding graphics and animation.

So check which of these services is performed by the agency you are interested in. Ideally, it should take care of everything – from A to Z, as HOLE Films, a creative film agency, does. So, as part of the cooperation you should receive, among other things, marketing advice and support in coming up with the entire campaign and writing the script. Specialists in these areas will take care of the, already mentioned, pragmatic dimension of the production.

Reliability and timeliness

These values seem to be an “iron standard”, regardless of the line of business. However, we hear stories from our clients quite often about unreliable partners – those who are difficult to contact or who have problems meeting deadlines or, more broadly, completing the ordered production.

So what should inspire your confidence and trust that the production film company will deliver? Pay attention to:

  • the form of the business (whether you are dealing with a freelancer or an agency);
  • Initial communication and its reliability;
  • online company reviews, such as on Google’s business card.

Follow these tips when choosing a partner to make sure your marketing materials 1) get created, and 2) meet (or exceed) all your expectations.

Legal and formal issues

Creating marketing videos is much more than “making videos.” The goal of a film agency’s work is to create tools that will work for your image and brand awareness. So you need to be sure that:

  • They will fit into possible legal requirements and strictures (these include, for example, the legal, medical or cosmetic industries);
  • You will receive full copyright to them – for this to be the case, the transfer of the work must be done in accordance with the law!

When working with HOLE Films, you don’t have to worry. We have our own legal team to ensure the safety of both parties to the contract.


Before you commission your chosen company to make a promotional video, make sure you like their other projects. For example, you can find some of our recent ones here.

Viewing the materials provided will help you evaluate, for example:

  • The aesthetics of the resulting productions;
  • The level of their professionalism;
  • attractiveness to the recipient;
  • whether you want to create something similar for your brand.

Remember, too, that a professional agency will easily adapt the means and aesthetics of the resulting materials to your concept and needs.

Do you want to talk about it? Contact us and see what we can create together!