produkcja filmu wizerunkowego

What are the steps I need to take to start producing an image film?

A branding video is an effective marketing tool that you can use in a number of ways, such as to increase your brand’s visibility, product interest or branding more broadly. However, before you can reap the benefits of a well-crafted video, you need to start somehow. With what? We explain.

Image film production: two ways to start

Do you know that your company needs an image film? If so, the first step of the journey is already behind you. Now, however, you need to go further. Which option you choose depends on, among other things:

  • How much experience do you have in commissioning the preparation of such a production;
  • What you expect from the resulting material, as well as from the team that will prepare it,
  • What budget you have at your disposal.

Basically, most often our clients operate under one of two models:

  1. come to our film creative agency with an estimated, specific budget for the project, and our job is to “squeeze” as much out of it as possible;
  2. contact without a predetermined budget, but with preliminary assumptions – expecting to get a quote, such as several cost variants.

Which one is better? It is impossible to answer this question. One thing is certain: in each of the situations described above, it is possible to find the optimal solution and prepare an image film that meets the purpose for which it is created.

How to determine the budget for an image film?

An image film is part of your promotional campaign and branding. Therefore, its production will involve costs. Their amount depends on many factors – from the length of the resulting material to its level of sophistication. It is therefore impossible to give a clear indication of how much you will need to invest in such an undertaking. However, it is worth – at least indicatively – to chalk out the budget framework in which the expenses will have to close. This will make it easier:

  • Create a vision for the material that is feasible with the budget;
  • look for different solutions to match production costs with opportunities.

Read more: How much does a video cost for my company?

Budget isn’t everything – it’s the purpose that counts

Speaking of the goal, establishing it should be one of the first tasks when producing an image video. Remember! Such material is a marketing tool. In order for it to fulfill its role, you need to precisely spell out the objectives.

Therefore, at the preparation stage, you need to identify basic issues such as:

  • The audience to which the material will be directed – will it be your customers, potential employees or the wider business environment? What are the characteristics of this group? What expectations, preferences and interests does it have? The better you define it, the more effective the material will be;
  • The message about your brand to be conveyed – what values should the image video emphasize? What should the viewer get out of it? What impression should the production leave?
  • distribution channel – will the video go to your social media channels, YouTube, or, for example, become part of your company website? This affects, for example, the length or format of the resulting material.

It is good to answer the above questions even before commissioning the production of an image film. Talking about the above topics will be crucial to the tone of the production and its effectiveness. All the elements discussed are part of the brief you need to complete.

See also: Video as a lead magnet in your sales funnel

What are the next steps in the production of the image film?

Determining the budget and the objectives to be met by the image film is the starting point for further work. How will it proceed?

  • If you come to us with a ready-made scenario – we will adapt it to make it feasible.
  • If the script is not there – we will prepare some ideas for you, and we will turn the selected one into material ready to work.

Once the script is approved, we will begin preparations for filming. Once all the shooting days are over, the editing and other elements of post-production (e.g., creation of animation, graphics, etc.) will remain, and then – the publication of the film.

So the conclusion is simple: even if you only know that you want to make an image film, and you have a preliminary budget outlined for this project – we can begin to act. Apply and we will guide you through the entire process so that you meet your business goals.