kulisy nagrania filmu

Films can always be shot! If not outdoors, then studio!

Are you planning to shoot a company promotional film or other video? Plein air is not the only way out. Many of our productions are created partially or even entirely in the studio. See when and why this would be a good option.

Shooting a film outdoors or in a studio: what does the decision depend on?

When preparing for any production, you need to choose the locations where the shooting will take place. What to choose: outdoor or studio? There is no one specific way to go. The choice depends on, among other things:

  • the concept of the film and its script – what is to be presented on the screen;
  • budget and (which is also linked to financial issues, among others) the time allotted for filming;
  • expected results;
  • conditions that prevail at the moment – for example, from the season, the weather or the hours at which the shooting is to take place.

Both options – outdoor and studio – have their advantages. However, in many cases it is the latter type of location that wins out, especially when combined with modern technology, which offers great possibilities!

When might filming in a studio be the best choice for a company?

There are things that can only be shot outdoors. It will be difficult, for example, to show the headquarters of your company without going “into the field” with your equipment. Similarly, when the theme of the production is related to specific places – for example, specific locations in a particular city or natural spaces. In such a situation, it is easier to go with the equipment to a specific address and shoot all the necessary shots there.

However, it is important to remember that the “outdoors” also has quite a few disadvantages. These are primarily:

  • logistical challenges – not only related to the fact that you have to get with a lot of equipment to a given place, but also, for example, the issue of its convenient positioning, so that the photos come out attractively;
  • Environmental challenges – such as those related to noise, people hanging around in the background, but also the unpredictability of the weather;
  • costs – these are often higher, if only because a large film crew has to travel.

Therefore, in many cases this studio is a better option. It is worth choosing them at, among other things:

  • advertising videos – especially those that focus on presenting one particular product;
  • Image films when shooting footage at the company’s headquarters is not recommended (e.g., when office interiors do not look attractive or are not very spacious, or when shooting during working hours would interfere too much with the team’s duties);
  • interviews/videocasts – these are typically “studio” materials;
  • productions that require special effects or other advanced visual treatments.

What does shooting a film in a studio give you?

Why do we often recommend shooting in the studio? Learn the key advantages of this recording method.

Stable conditions on set

In the studio, you can control every element of the space – from the lighting (that’s baaavery important), to the sound, to the positioning of all the objects. There is also no risk of the weather going bad, making it impossible to keep to the schedule. So the work is done in a very predictable way and it’s just easier.

Logistical comfort

At the film studio, most of the equipment needed is on site. So it doesn’t need to be carted from location to location. This helps optimize the cost of production, and saves a lot of time, such as setting up lighting, cameras, etc.

(Almost) unlimited possibilities of image creation

Among other things, green screens and other solutions can be used in the studio. Thanks to them, among other things, very good-looking special effects and other elements can be added at the post-production stage. They increase the attractiveness of the film and allow to even better reflect the assumptions of the script.

Flexible shooting hours

Recording night scenes during the day or full sun in the late afternoon? It’s not a problem in the studio because, as we mentioned, the crew has full control over the lighting. Besides, it is not limited by, for example, the opening hours of outdoor locations or other challenges. The recording time can be flexibly adjusted to how much and when you need to shoot.

Read also: What does a typical image film production process look like?.

Optimization of film production costs

Because the studio minimizes the logistical challenges of shooting image and other films, using it can good for the production budget. It is also worth remembering that the size of the studio and its level of “technical sophistication adapts to the type of material being produced. Other conditions are needed, for example, to shoot a simple videocast, and others when a commercial film is being made.

I na koniec najważniejsze: nie trzeba wybierać na zasadzie: albo studio, albo plener. Można wykorzystać potencjał obu tych typów lokacji – tak, aby ostatecznie powstał film, który wygląda autentycznie i wzbudza zainteresowanie oraz inne emocje.

Want to talk about it? Get in touch with our team – we’ll choose a place to shoot your video to achieve your goals. You are welcome!